Three bloggers have been invited to blog live during the web conference held for the “Protect your identity online” campaign. Sandra Bellefoy, Mario Asselin and myself.
I am in the room, ready for the “Conference on cyber security and prevention”. It will begin at 10:30
It still time to register if you want to participate (in French only).
Speaker: Captain Frédérick Gaudreau, manager of the computer crime coordination office, Sûreté du Québec
Facilitator: Denis Talbot
Denis Talbot & Captain Frédérick Gaudreau are getting ready for the conference
Denis Talbot start the web conference. He Introduces his new friend: Dominique Vien, Minister of Government Services.
There is 50 participants in the room. More than 100 online.
Dominique Vien calls Denis Talbot her “new friend”.
Why? Because, she is the mother of a teenager who think she is worrying too much about online security and who said WOW about his mom meeting Denis Talbot.
After that, his position about security change and it was the beginning of discussions about security with his mom.
This demonstrates, as I wrote in previous post, that Denis Talbot is a good choice. As spokesman, he has the necessary credibility to persuade Internet users.
Dominique Vien is talking about the growing online offering of the Quebec government.
ClicSECUR is used by the government to secure the access to those services.
The message of the Minister is clear. Enjoy the power of Internet, but enjoy it securely.
Captain Frédérick Gaudreau, manager of the computer crime coordination office, Sûreté du Québec.
He’s talking about fishing: Fishing is using HTML email. So it looks like regular email from a business. Whit the information in hand, They are able too send a personalize email.
Redirecting the users on specific Web site.
They ask for specific information like your ID or password.
After that, it is easy to use your identity.
They send many millions of email. They only need a few response…
Popular fishing: You have a lot a money waiting for you in Africa…… Did you received it?
Now it is easy to find information about anybody. Just Google them. We Google ourselves to see what’s available online. People give to much information.
« The policeman finds more information online than on their own database!!! »
It is a network of computer that are compromised and used by hackers.
- They can use your bandwidth and your computer without you knowledge.
- Send spam
- Send fishing email
- Deny of service attack.
Botnets are hard to find.
On the ISIQ site, their is a list of simple thing to do to protect your PC and your identity online. One of them is to have an up-to-date antivirus.
Conference is over. The question period is beginning.
- .Kids are the sysadmin of the family network. Adults are not always able to guide their children.
- How many in the police team : around 20. Add the GRC team and the rest of the police officer team.
- Question : What’s new? Is there new technique since last year campaign? The real question is, how come people are still victim of the same old attack?
- Is there a government web site where you can refer fishing ? Yes http://www.phonebusters.com/
- Don’t put the computer in the bedroom.
Be interest in what you kids are doing. Ask questions. Guide them. Kids are lefts alone online. You have to tell them that Internet is a serious thing. It is a good tool, but their is some risk that they should be aware of..11:48The conference is over. Thanks to Denis Talbot, Captain Frédérick Gaudreau and Dominique Vien, Minister of Government Services..
Today’s blogging team (and Twitter team)Blogging side-by-side with Sandra, Pascale and Mario was a blast. You can’t say that by looking at the picture, but we had fun.
From right to left: Pascale Soucy from ISIQ and guest bloggers: Denis Francois Gravel, Sandra Bellefoy & Mario Asselin
Share with me: If you follow the conference online, how was the experience?
UPDATE: The streaming of the conference is now available on line. You can watch it here
Posted by Denis Francois Gravel
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Denis François Gravel aide les organisations à performer en contexte de présentation pour que leurs prestations donnent les résultats souhaités. Il les accompagne dans l’acquisition de meilleures pratiques et dans le développement des habiletés de leur équipe.
Il est président et conseiller en développement des habiletés de présentation pour PRÉSENTabilité, le cofondateur de TEDxQuébec et l’hôte de PechaKucha Québec. (2)