“Protect your identity online”Link Web site: Protect your Identity Online

The third information and awareness campaign was launched on Monday by ISIQ (security institute of Quebec).

I like this campaign because it is useful for every Internet user, and because it does not use the “FUD factor”.

Campaign Web site: click here



ISIQ asks me to cover the campaign. I accept but only within my editorial line, which is: presentability.There is no money involved. My collaboration is my small contribution to help make the Internet safer.


No “FUD factor”

The FUD factor is a technique used in sales and marketing to convince people. It is based on Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. It is easy to apply and really effective.

The problem is that this technique had been overused, and it has created a side effect. Everybody is afraid of everything.

The goal of this awareness campaign is not to convince us to get off the Internet and to never go back again.

The message is simple: Enjoy the power of Internet safely. As in real life, there is some risks, and you should follow some basic rules (see the “Web site” section down this post). No FUD factor here.


SpokesmanLink to Web page with Video of the Spokesman Denis Talbot

The choice of the spokesman, Denis Talbot, is perfect. He is hosting the TV  Show “M. Net” for the past 10 years. He is well known, he is renown as an “Internet expert”, and he have the needed credibility to endorse the campaign.

More information on the spokesman: denistalbot.com or TV show “M. Net”


Web site

On the Web site, you will find a tons of useful information. Everything is clear and easy to find. It is written in plain English.

I would have prefer the site to be more “jazzy”, but maybe it would have been less accessible for new net surfers.

Some of the tools you will find on the site

1) An online code of conduct. Here are some of the rules:

  • Keep your software up to date, particularly your security software.
  • Copy and safeguard important files.
  • Restrict access to your personal network, especially your wireless network.
  • Other rules on the campaign Web site.

2) A social network guideline for Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.

For the other tools, visits the Protect your identity online Web site.


Raise the awareness

The ISIQ awareness campaign is well started. The list of tools is big enough to satisfy the majority of Internet users. Spokesman Denis Talbot is a good choice.

In the next days, there will be some Web events in French (registration required). The first one is the “Conference on cyber security and prevention”, which will be held Monday November 16 at 10 : 30 (Eastern time).

You can also follow the campaign on Twitter with the hashtag #jpmi

See you Monday at the Web conference.


Share with me: What are you doing to keep your Internet usage safe?

Posted by Denis Francois Gravel


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