I have finally moved my blog last week.
I left the free hosting of WordPress.com. I am now hosting my blog on my new domain name. Thanks to WordPress for hosting my blog in the last month.
So Welcome everybody to :
I suggest that you update your bookmark and your RSS Feed.
Blog new address: https://presentability.com
New RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/PRESENTabilityWithDFG
Until you do, the old address of the blog is automatically redirecting to the new one, but it is quicker with the direct link.
There is still some bug to correct. Moving was a bit harder than I thought. Of course, nothing goes as it is supposed.
First post looked like this. I had some editing to do to fixe this.
I lost my statistics. After some research, I discovered that you can’t bring your statistics with you when you move away from WordPress.com. So, all my post now have 0 or near zero views (I don’t have hundreds of thousands of readers, but I have more than 2 or 3).
I am working to fix the last bugs. If you find some errors, please report them to me. courriel(@)denisgravel.ca (sorry for the mail address, but it’s SPAM proof).
In the next weeks (or months?), I will change the design and continue to add some functionality.
Thanks for reading my blog and sharing your comments with me.
Posted by Denis François Gravel
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Denis François Gravel aide les organisations à performer en contexte de présentation pour que leurs prestations donnent les résultats souhaités. Il les accompagne dans l’acquisition de meilleures pratiques et dans le développement des habiletés de leur équipe.
Il est président et conseiller en développement des habiletés de présentation pour PRÉSENTabilité, le cofondateur de TEDxQuébec et l’hôte de PechaKucha Québec. (2)
Interesting article, thanks for posting