If you use PowerPoint or Keynotes or another software while you are presenting, you can choose between different styles of design.
- Assertion-evidence slide
- Classic PresentationZen
- Lessig Method
- Duarte Design Diagrams
- Ethos3 story-telling style
- Comic style
- Pecha Kucha
- Kawasaki Method (aka the 10/20/30 Rule)
- Takashi Method
- Beyond Bullet Points Method
- The boring Bullet Point. That is the most popular and less effective method.
For description of each method, you can read two excellent blog posts
PowerPoint Design Methods by Presentation Advisors
The Top 7 PowerPoint slide designs by Olivia Mitchell
Also, I wrote a post on the presenter responsibility vs. the design of the slides. Are you responsible for the horrible slides?
Share with me: Witch method work best for you?
Posted by Denis François Gravel

Denis François Gravel aide les organisations à performer en contexte de présentation pour que leurs prestations donnent les résultats souhaités. Il les accompagne dans l’acquisition de meilleures pratiques et dans le développement des habiletés de leur équipe.
Il est président et conseiller en développement des habiletés de présentation pour PRÉSENTabilité, le cofondateur de TEDxQuébec et l’hôte de PechaKucha Québec. (2)
Thank you for mentioning Presentation Zen in your post. I work for Peachpit Press and thought you and your readers might be interested in knowing that Garr Reynolds just released his first online streaming video, Presentation Zen: The Video, where he expands on the ideas presented in his book and blog. More info can be found here:
Thank you for including my post!