Botox reduce the ability to raise the eyebrows which is an important part of facial expression. Can this reduce your public speaking ability?
Angela DeFinis published an interesting post about the effect of Botox on your communication ability. I was surprised. I never thought about Botox this way before. In fact, I never think about Botox anyway, but that’s another story….
Research tells us that there is power in your eyebrows. When used naturally and in synch with your message, raising your eyebrows shows your curiosity, enthusiasm, and awe. Raising your eyebrows creates excitement, even a sense of joy—it shows you are interested and interesting. It’s one skill that will capture attention and radiate confidence.
Even if you are not planning to use Botox, read Angela’s post. You will find interesting points about the use of eyebrows in public speaking.
via Spooky Presentations – When Botox Makes You Say “Boo!.
Posted by: Denis Francois Gravel
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Denis François Gravel aide les organisations à performer en contexte de présentation pour que leurs prestations donnent les résultats souhaités. Il les accompagne dans l’acquisition de meilleures pratiques et dans le développement des habiletés de leur équipe.
Il est président et conseiller en développement des habiletés de présentation pour PRÉSENTabilité, le cofondateur de TEDxQuébec et l’hôte de PechaKucha Québec. (2)
Thank you for re-posting! I’m glad you enjoyed the article.
Hi Angela,
Your post deserve it!
Funny thing. their is a link to this post on the web sit of a plastic surgery M.D.·-can-botox-reduce-your-public-speaking-ability/
Denis Francois