The Recipe for Presentation Success? Kill Your Characters
Must we kill our main characters to have a good story in our conference or presentation? Let’s take a look.
Preseria Presenter: The ultimate presentation tool?
Their is a new challenger in the presentation software arena. Preseria Presenter claim to be able to play everything you throw at it. That’s a good news for events organizers.
12-year-old Thomas Suarez gives us speaking lesson
Ever been impressed by the speaking ability of a kid? Then, watch this TED Talks video of Thomas Suarez, a 12 year old iPhone apps programer.

Do you underestimate the power of presentations?
Presentations power is only limited by our imagination. Here’s the story of a woman who believe that a presentation can change her life (and it did).
Is « Atomic » a new method of creating a Powerpoint presentation?
Is there a new presentation method in town? What to think about Seth Godin short text « the atomic method of creating a PowerPoint presentation »?

SlideShare moves to HTML5
If you’re using SlideShare, there is a good news for you! You can now share your presentation on iPhone, iPad, Android and other because SlideShare switch to HTML5.

Presentation structure: Nancy Duarte’s talk at TEDx East
In this talk, Nancy Duarte explains how to structure your presentation for maximum impact.

What make a speech great ?
What make a speech great ? The substance. This statement is from Ted Sorenson, the guys behind all the memorable speeches of John F. Kennedy.

If George Lucas designed your presentation
“…Its not about special effects…. Its about telling the story.” This reflection about movies is also true for presentations.

Can Botox reduce your public speaking ability?
Botox reduce the ability to raise the eyebrows which is an important part of facial expression. Can this reduce your public speaking ability?